Blog, News and Media
Words for a better world
If you are a member of the media and would like further information about our work or to speak with us on any topic we’ve written about, please contact us at hello@compassivistefoundation.org
Learning Resource
Understanding Poverty
Poverty affects billions of people worldwide, and yet for many people in the world, the concept of being unable to eat, house your family and get medicine remains abstract. These free Understanding Poverty resources for children aim to help young people understand the basics of poverty and its root causes.
Learning Resource
Understanding Climate Change
The world is an amazing place to live, and yet humans are destroying it at an unprecedented rate. Unless urgent action is taken by us all, the earth as we know it will be gone forever and uninhabitable for future generations. These free Understanding Climate Change resources for children aim to help young people understand the basics of climate change, its root causes and effects and the steps we can all make to slow global warming and protect Mother Earth.