Happy kids smiling on the beach

Our foundation

Governance & Safeguarding

Our Commitment to Transparency

Compassiviste Foundation is committed to transparency. As a charity registered in England and Wales, we are accountable to our donors, to our volunteers, to the Charity Commission, and to those we seek to help. Our accounts and governance details are therefore publicly available to view and download.

Our Policies

Compassiviste Foundation operates openly and honestly, and within a robust policy framework. We have established policies, procedures and systems in place to ensure internal and external regulatory compliance, and risk and quality development across all operational areas.

Commitment to transparency

Financial Integrity

Our transparency extends to our finances. In addition to the annual accounts we file with the Charity Commission, we will also publish information on our website including:

  • Our spending on charitable activities, fundraising and overheads

  • How much of every £1 we receive goes toward our work

  • How much money we intend to spend in the year ahead

Teenagers smiling and making a peace sign